Terms of complaints


The current rules of “GENERAL BROKER CLUB” Ltd. for the organization of handling complaints of users of insurance services (for short the Rules) are adopted on the basis of Art. 290 para. 2 of the Insurance Code.

The rules are in accordance with the Applicable Law (defined below), but in the event of non-compliance, the requirements of the Applicable Law shall take precedence.

The rules should be considered in relation to Conflicts of Interest Policy and other relevant Internal Acts of the Intermediary.

The Rules shall also take into account the principle of proportionality, which provides that the procedures and mechanisms subject to the Rules are adequate to the nature, scope and complexity of the activities of the Intermediary.


In the event that they are not defined in this section, terms with initial capital letters are used in the Rules with the meaning defined in The Insurance Code.

For the purposes of these Rules, the following terms and abbreviations shall have the following meanings:

“Insurance broker”, “broker”, “we” →“GENERAL BROKER CLUB” LTD
“Central Office” Sofia. ul.” Yakubitsa “№7B
User of insurance services” an insurer, an insured person, a third beneficiary, a third injured party, other persons for whom rights have arisen under an insurance contract, as well as a natural or legal person who has an interest in availing himself of the services of distribution of insurance products provided by an insurer or by an insurance intermediary in relation to his business, whether or not he is a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act.
“Complaint” or “Signal” the dissatisfaction of a user of insurance services is clearly expressed in writing, electronically or by telephone, in relation to the insurance and/or reinsurance mediation performed by the Broker, as well as with the manner of service.
“Client” →a user of insurance services within the meaning of Art. 2, para. 2 of the Insurance Codewho is interested in or to whom the Intermediary provides insurance brokerage services.
“Broker Employees” →employees of the Insurance Intermediary, working at his disposal and under his control, who:
offer or directly provide insurance brokerage services to Clients (determine their requirements and needs, offer and/or provide them with information about insurance products, etc.) ;
and/or direct or indirect the above persons;
are responsible for registering and administering Complaints and Alerts
“Governing Body” →Manager (s) of the Intermediary.


These Rules govern the procedure for submitting complaints and alerts by Users of Insurance Services to the Insurance Broker in writing, by telephone and electronically, the procedures for their consideration and resolution, as well as the taking of measures to eliminate weaknesses in the activity of the Broker found on the basis of complaints.

The rules comply with the provisions of the Insurance Code.

The purpose of these rules is to create guarantees that:

  • All Complaints of Users of Insurance Services will be dealt with in an objective and impartial manner and the latter will be answered in a timely manner
  • Measures will be taken on the basis of an analysis of the Complaints received, with which to eliminate omissions and errors on the part of the Broker's employees in carrying out the activity of insurance mediation

The rules apply to the Broker's Employees as well as to the Manager (s).

Chapter I

Art. 1. (1) These Rules are based on the principles of objectivity, timeliness, reliability, fairness and correctness when considering and preparing a response to the received complaints and signals from users of insurance services to the Broker.

(2) These Rules are aimed at creating a general procedure for receiving, considering and analyzing complaints and signals received by the Broker from Users of Insurance Services, protecting the rights and interests of Users of Insurance Services, preventing litigation and preserving the good name of the Broker.

(3) In preparing a response to the submitted complaints and signals, the Broker shall be guided by the following main guiding guidelines:

- comprehensive clarification of all facts and circumstances related to the subject of the complaint or signal;

- preparation of the answer in clear, understandable and accurate language;

- responding to any complaint/alert within a short period of time, which in all cases is not longer than one month from the receipt of the complaint/alert;

- offering the sender of the complaint or signal a possible solution to the problem, if any;

- a written response to any complaint/report submitted to the Broker.

Art. 2. (1) Complaints may not be considered and decided by the persons, employees of the Broker, against whose actions have been filed or who are related persons to the User of Insurance Services, who submitted the Complaint.

(2) Employees of the Broker have no right to refuse to accept complaints and signals from users of insurance services.

(3) Anonymous complaints shall not be considered.

Art. 3. All deadlines specified in these rules are counted in calendar days. The day of receipt of the respective Complaint or Alert does not count. When the last day of the term is absent, the term expires on the first day following present. Written replies shall be deemed to have been made within the time limit if they are sent by post, courier or e-mail address by the twenty-fourth hour of the last day of the deadline.

Chapter II

Art. 4. (1) The broker shall consider complaints and signals made by users of insurance services addressed to the registered office and address of management — Sofia, ul.” Yakubitsa “№7B.

(2) The Broker considers complaints and signals submitted also on the Broker's website (www.general.bg) email address and telephones.

Art. 5. (1) When submitting complaints and alerts at the offices and management address of the Broker, users of insurance services are given the opportunity to fill in a complaint/report form (Appendix No. 1) indicating: name, surname and surname, respectively company; personal identification number; exact address for correspondence; contact telephone number, the complaint/alert; date of filing and signature, attaching a copy of the documents on which the complaint/alert is based, if any.

(2) When submitting complaints and alerts by telephone, the employee who accepted the call is obliged to request data from the user as follows: name, surname and surname, respectively company; personal identification number; exact address for correspondence; contact telephone number, subject of the complaint/report. The data is recorded in the complaint/report form by the employee and signed by the latter with an indication of the date and time of the call, after which it is sent to the address of the Central Office.

(3) Upon submission of a complaint to the e-mail address specified on the website or through the contact form, if all data for identification of the user and for feedback are not provided, an employee of the Broker shall additionally contact the client at the e-mail address specified by him in order to request the specific data, and the response period begins to run from the receipt of the data.

(4) An employee of the Broker, who accepts the complaint or the alert at the address of management, informs the user of insurance services about the period in which the latter will receive a response, as well as the contact details of the Broker, through which the status of the complaint/alert can be consulted. Upon receipt of the complaint/alert by e-mail, the employee who accepted the complaint or alert returns information to the customer about the incoming number, also providing him with the information referred to in the previous sentence.

Art. 6. (1) In order to provide and maintain uniform comprehensive statistical information on received complaints and alerts, the Broker maintains a Register of Complaints in the Central Office.

(2) Complaints and alerts shall be registered on the day of their receipt at the Central Office of the Broker in the Register of Complaints by the responsible officer under Article 9, paragraph 2.

(3) The register of complaints shall contain the following information:

  • serial number;
  • input number;
  • date of entry;
  • place of submission;
  • type of complaint/signal;
  • sender (natural or legal person);
  • EGN/EIK;
  • subject (subject of the complaint);
  • the date on which it was forwarded;
  • outgoing number of the response;
  • date of outgoing response number;
  • the merits of the complaint/report.

(4) In the Register of Complaints, Complaints and Alerts shall be classified according to the nature of the complaint, as:

(a) relating to quality of service and administrative matters;

b) relating to insurance and/or reinsurance mediation carried out by the Broker.

Art. 7. (1) A response to a Complaint or Report is prepared after a thorough and impartial study of the facts of the case and consideration of the explanations and objections of the interested parties, as the Broker:

a) fully respect the Complaint submitted by proposing to the User of insurance services a possible solution to the problem, if any;

(b) respect the Complaint submitted in part by stating the reasons why the Complaint has not been fully upheld;

(c) dismiss the Complaint lodged in its entirety, stating the reasons why the Complaint was rejected;

d) inform the complainant that he is not competent to rule on the complaint/report submitted, notifying the complainant to whom he may turn.

(2) A.

Art. 8. (1) A.

(2) Az, a.

(3) En la caso de una Comisión de Supervision Financiales, la Comisión de Protección de Compétition, la Comisión de Protección de Compétition, la Comisión de Protección de Datos Personales, el Ombudsman o otros instituciones del estado, a la hora de resposta especificada en la zagona Relevant y a que a la letra a la Broker es mandável.

(4) El mismo se aplicará a caso de que se richiede a Brokero ou que se ha risponde um objecção antes o dopo a descrição de uma violação.

(5) A réponse a los Usuarios de Servicios de Seguros se enviará por letra con un receipt de retour ou a la dirección e-mail de la sender especificada en la reclamación.

Kapitel III

Art. 9. (1) Per garantire la provisionamento di questi regole e eseguire il controllo correlato, a partecipanti del “Administrazione” del Centre-Officio del Broker sono responsabile.

(2) The registration and administration of complaints/signals and responses, filling in the Register and storing and archiving documents shall be carried out by the employees of the Administration Department at the Broker's Central Office.

Art. 10. (1) Bice a jaar, les employees en la département “Administració” a la Office centrale des Brokers analyse les Complaints et Signals et.

(2) A. In this regard, proposals are made to improve the activities of the Broker in the relevant direction.

(3) Nel evento, a la base de la raporta, a a, a.

(4) Waar is een beweging of een uitbetaling (per esempio, a l'evento di cambiamenti legislativi, le nuovi guideline o instruccions del institucions competenti, la identificació des conditions que les droits et les interesse des Utilizadores de Servicios de Seguros como a resultados de ces Praavillas y la pratica de su implementação), the Managing Authority shall review and update the Policy without delay, but at least once a year.


Art. 11. (1) All employees of the Broker in the offices and Central Administration receiving complaints from Clients, as well as employees of the Complaints Management Unit are bound by the obligation to protect the confidential information that became known to them during and in connection with the performance of their employment obligations under their employment contract with the Broker. Confidential Information includes Customers' personal data and any information and documents provided by Clients in connection with their Complaint.

(2) Tutti gli amministratori sotto di paragrafto 1 sono consentire e di compiare con le regole e proseduri interno (Politici) per l'applicazione della legislazione corrente nel campo di protezione dei dati personali.

Art.12. (1) Complaints may not be considered and decided by persons, employees of the Broker, against whose actions are filed.

(2) Tutti gli amministratori sotto di paragrafto 1 sono amministrazione e compiti con le regole interno e proceduri (Politici) per l'avviazione e gestione delle conflitti di interesse.

These Rules are published on the website of the Broker and free access to them is provided in the places where the Broker operates, and also provides information about them under Art. 325, para. 1, item 5 of the CC. A,.